Order Processing:
- Products are shipped within 2-3 working days.
Delivery Time:
- Orders in India typically delivered in 5-8 working days.
- Delivery time may extend to 2 weeks in rare cases, depending on product availability.
- Delivery in Jammu Kashmir and North East India may take up to 10 working days.
- Factors affecting delivery time include shipping address, public holidays, extreme weather conditions, etc.
Shipping Charges:
- Free shipping on all Prepaid Orders.
- Cash on Delivery orders incur Rs 99 as Cash on Delivery charges.
Order Tracking:
- Track your order once dispatched through email and SMS with a tracking code and link.
- For any tracking-related concerns, email info@endymart.com.
Courier Companies:
- Products shipped via Delhivery, Xpressbees, Bluedart, and EcomExpress based on the pincode.
Undelivered Product Issues:
- If tracking details show delivery but the customer has not received it:
- Rare case; investigate with family, neighbors, or office mailroom.
- Genuine cases refunded after a 10-working day investigation.
Notification of Non-Receipt:
- If order delivered notification received but product not received, inform within 48 hours.
- Immediate issue raised with courier partner for resolution.
- After the specified timeline, EndyMart is not liable for any losses.
Contact Information:
- For any shipping-related queries or concerns, contact info@endymart.com.